Global Spiritual Market

Spiritual & Self Improvement Centre

The 5 Steps to Manifesting Financial Abundance

The Universe wants you to be financially abundant and is always supporting you in making this a reality. So it really doesn’t matter what the economy is doing, or how long you’ve been struggling financially, it’s more about the vibration you’re sending out into the world today! Financial abundance is your birthright! It’s time for…

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Activate Your Feng Shui Energy

Do you wake up feeling happy, refreshed, full of energy and ready to start the day? When we Feng Shui our space our goal is to create a balanced environment that will give us place to feel nurtured and allow positive energy to surround us, but we can’t stop there. Our environment can’t do it…

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The Power of Choice

Choice is the most powerful of all the tools with which you create your reality, more powerful even than your beliefs, thoughts and feelings, because ultimately choice can supersede these, can steer and direct them in accordance with your will. You make thousands of choices every day, most of which you are not even conscious…

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