Global Spiritual Market

Spiritual & Self Improvement Centre

The Voice of Love

Love lies at the heart of all that you seek. It is the key to happiness, freedom, abundance and success; to living a life you truly love! When love steers your relationships, daily life, work, home, friendships, and so on, success reigns. Your intuition is the voice of love. It is the voice of your…

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Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Awakening?

Over the last two thousand years, there have been literally dozens of proposed dates upon which the world was expected to end. Around 30 CE, Jesus is reported to have said “Judgement Day” would come within the lifetimes of his audience. This is the failed prophecy on which all the others were based.However, for hundreds…

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The Law of Magnetism

There are many patterns of energy at work in the world today. Amazingly powerful yet unseen forces have very real and predictable outcomes. For instance, if you key in the numbers of a very specific signal to your cell phone and then press the “talk” button, that sequence will be directed by a satellite thousands…

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