Global Spiritual Market

Spiritual & Self Improvement Centre

Spirituality and Prosperity – Are They a Match?

Can you want to make money and still live a moral, spiritual life? Is money really the root of all evil? Does wanting more make you greedy? It is an interesting question. However there really isn’t anything spiritual about lack. If the creation of wealth becomes an obsession without a significant goal than it can…

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Your Subconscious Mind Is Responsible For Your Level Of Manifestation Success

The subconscious mind is the largest and most important part of your mind. The subconscious mind determines your habits, beliefs , the ideas you have, your level of motivation, confidence as well as your focus, attention and everything else. Essentially, the subconscious mind influences everything in your life. The secret is this: For you to…

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Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Awakening?

Over the last two thousand years, there have been literally dozens of proposed dates upon which the world was expected to end. Around 30 CE, Jesus is reported to have said “Judgement Day” would come within the lifetimes of his audience. This is the failed prophecy on which all the others were based.However, for hundreds…

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